Phone: 773-755-2536

Is Tumblr the New Wordpress?

According to a recent Tumblr post, some significant landmark dates for Tumblr are:

  • January 2007: first Tumblr blog
  • May 2009: one million blogs
  • September 2011: one billion posts
  • April 2012: Beyoncé's first post
  • January 2013: Astronaut Chris Hadfield makes first Tumblr post from space
  • January 2013: tumblr surpasses the word blog in Google search

Tumblr has become a major social media player and, for many, a user-friendly alternative to Wordpress. Certainly, its popularity is something to be reckoned with.

Consider adding Tumblr to your social media presence as a way to boost your rankings and to market your product or services.

Questions or suggestions? Contact Freelance Web Designers Christopher Merrill (Phone: 773-755-2536; Cell 773-339-5385) for answers.



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