Phone: 773-755-2536

Put Your Best Foot Forward

The title tag on the home page of your website is perhaps the most important design element to consider when constructing a website. Weigh your options carefully before deciding what to put here, since your choice can profoundly affect where the search engines place you.

Keep in mind that Google and other search engines will display the contents of your title tag when your URL comes up in a search — so what users see here will be their very first impression of you.

If possible, make reference to your geographic area in the title tag, as well as what service you provide. Keep in mind that the title tag should be 12 words, or between 60-90 characters, otherwise some search engines might your consider your lengthy title an attempt at spam (the days of stuffing title tags with endless key words are long gone).

Want to learn more? Contact Christopher Merrill.


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