Phone: 773-755-2536

Flash Files Not Showing Up
on Cell Phones?

Have you noticed that we are seeing less Flash on the web? That's because (in part) the Flash format doesn't display readily on many cell phones.

As people begin to rely more heavily on their cell phones as a way to troll the internet, more and more web designers are returning to the time-honored tradition of using animated gifs (in lieu of Flash files) to add movement and emphasis to their web pages.

If you have important information on your web site that does not presently display on cell phones (because that information is contained within a Flash format), consider redesigning these files in an animated gif format.

Remember, your web site is no longer being viewed only on computer screens: the small screen is now a very big part of the big picture!

Questions? Contact Christopher Merrill for answers.



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Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Chicago Freelance Web Site Designer, Christopher Merrill